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来源:[中国对外贸易中心广州展览总公司] 作者:[samny] 点击率:[1149] 时间:[2017/7/29]

瓦楞专题2018 Corrugated




Area AChina Import and Export Fair ComplexGuangzhouPR China


创新、智能、高效   聚焦瓦楞产业前沿技术   

Innovative• Intelligent•Efficient   Focusing on Corrugated Industry Cutting-edge Technology


4-in-1 Expo, More Comprehensive, Larger and More Professional Package Printing Industry-wide Chains Event


主办单位:中国对外贸易中心(集团)广州展览总公司    雅式展览服务有限公司

同期展会:2018第二十五届华南国际印刷工业展览会  中国国际标签工业展览会

         中国国际包装工业展览会   包装制品与材料展览会


2018四展联动 4-in-1 Expo Expected

面积Exhibition Area  100,000   参展商Exhibitors  1,200+   观众人数Visitors  70,000+


2017年观众盛况回顾 Visitor Review

观众人数Total No of Visitors: 68,019

海外观众人数 Overseas Visitors: 9,722


Visitors coming from 100 countries and regions, including Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia, Russia, Philippines, India, United States, Taiwan Province, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.


海内外参观团 Delegations180+

海外参观团Overseas Delegations
马来西亚, 菲律宾,泰国,越南,韩国,印尼,新加坡,中国台湾,香港,澳门等。
Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan Province, Hong Kong SAR, Macau
国内协会参观团 China Association Delegations
Fujian, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Yunnan, Shandong, Hunan, Henan, Guangxi, Guangdong(Shenzhen, Yangjiang, Zhaoqin, Sihui, Zhongshan, Heshan, Yunfu, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Nanhai, Xiqiao, Gaoming),etc. 


匠心独造 特设瓦楞专题 筑全方位包装印刷解决安排平台

A Corrugated Zone is Specially Set to Offer Comprehensive Package Printing Solutions

据最新的Smithers Pira调研报告显示:得益于食品、医药、消费电子等终端行业不断增长的消费需求,截至到2021年,全球瓦楞包装工业总产值将达到2160亿英镑, 并且亚洲市场将占据全球一半以上的份额。中国作为瓦楞包装生产最主要的国家之一,市场发展潜力巨大。为顺应市场需求,2018华南国际印刷展将增设瓦楞专题,联手行业巨头,展示时下最前沿的瓦楞生产技术设备。


According to the latest Smithers Pira research report: Thanks to the growing consumer demand of food, medicine, consumer electronics and other terminal industries, global corrugated industry output value will reach 216 billion pounds by 2021, and the Asian market will account for more than half of the world’s share. As one of the leading countries of corrugated packaging, China has huge market potential. In order to meet the market demand, Printing South China 2018 will set up a corrugated zone, showing the cutting-edge corrugated technologies and equipment with the industry giants.

Together with SINO-PACK,PACKINNO and SINNO LABEL,the 4-in-1 expo focusing on the integrity of package printing industry,will provide you with all-round,one-stop package,printing solutions.


展品分类Scope of Exhibits
瓦楞纸板加工设备及配件  Corrugated board processing equipment and accessories
瓦楞纸箱加工设备及配件  Corrugated box processing equipment and accessories
瓦楞纸箱加工工业用纸    Corrugated box processing industrial paper
瓦楞纸箱加工软件        Corrugated box processing software
瓦楞纸箱厂配套服务      Corrugated box factory supporting services 
瓦楞纸箱厂配套设备      Corrugated box factory supporting equipment 
瓦楞纸箱/纸板加工耗材   Corrugated box /cardboard processing consumable supplies
蜂窝/纸浆模塑设备       Honeycomb/pulp molding equipment


2017观众行业分类 Visitor Industry:

纸箱厂 Corrugated Box Factory                  22.1%

商业印刷厂 Printing Factory                    16.24%

包装印刷厂 Package Printing Factory             30.72%

彩盒/纸盒厂 Carton/Paper Box Factory           11.25%

商标/不干胶/条码印刷 Lable Printing Factory     10.67%

终端用户 End Users                           8.92%

其他 Others                                  0.1%


目标观众Target Visitors

纸箱厂               Corrugated box manufacturers

彩盒厂               Carton manufacturers

纸管厂               Paper tube manufacturers

蜂窝纸板厂           Honeycomb cardboard manufacturers

纸浆模塑厂           Pulp molding factories

设备及零备件供应商   Equipment and spare parts suppliers

耗材供应商           Material suppliers

终端用户             End users


展会查询 Enquiries


周三红 Samny Zhou  13826231477

电话 Tel020-82002544

邮箱 E-mail3163240956@qq.com

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